
About Us

M2C Aerospace (M2C) was incorporated in 2014, is a Massachusetts woman-owned business. Its founders include individuals who have had prominent roles in the airline industry, including heavy expertise in aviation safety and operations. The company has been successful in working with government, industry and academia to promote, and assume a leadership role in, the new frontier of aviation, which includes the development of products and services related to autonomous flight that have the high potential to support significant improvements in aviation safety and efficiency.

A few of M2C’s accomplishments include the following —

  • Became a trusted Aeronautical Research Partner / Contractor to the NASA Ames Research Center
    • NASA Ames Lead for two programs: Single Pilot Commercial Operations (formerly known as ECON), and the NUSTAR (National UAS Standardized Testing and Rating) Program
  • Became well positioned for FAA, DHS (Department of Homeland Security), and DOD Advanced Research Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

M2C Aerospace was also partnered with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst to establish an Aviation Research and Training Center at Westover Metropolitan Airport, Chicopee, MA. This was dedicated to advancing technologies and aviation related training methods to meet the new challenges of the 21st century.

Since 2014, M2C in partnership with UMass has accomplished the following —

  • Executed a Five Year (2015-2020) M2C/UMass Partnership Agreement
  • Obtained $5M to establish an Aviation Research and Training Center at Westover Metropolitan Airport
  • Received a $500K Grant (Buehler Foundation) for Acquisition of a High Fidelity 3D Simulator
  • Received an Airport UAS Protection (Geofencing/Tracking) Research Grant from the DOT University Transportation Center Program