Systems Engineering & Integration
Systems engineering designs, studies, simulates, and implements the interconnections and interactivity of the many systems and subsystems necessary for aviation assets to flourish in their intended operational environments and perform their functions safely and efficiently, with assured resiliency.
M2C Aerospace has individuals possessing the requisite proven experience to ensure aviation mission success through the application of the latest systems engineering and integration practices. M2C Aerospace’s professional staff has been involved in the development and deployment of major air traffic management systems and flight operation systems since the 1960s. Our experience in national security and civilian and commercial aviation endeavors, our accumulated expertise, and our knowledge gleaned from lessons learned are second to none.
Application of systems engineering practices early in the acquisition process ensures that new aviation systems will be able to meet the triple requirements of greater capability, greater resilience, and reduced cost. M2C Aerospace is a recognized leader in such practices.
Our emphasis on undertaking systems engineering early in a new aviation system allows for:
- Identification and application of innovative techniques to achieve success, as diverse approaches are far easier to identify and work early in the acquisition process, before commitments to specific processes are too far along to easily change.
- Rapid detection of potential anomalies or problem areas, reducing the cost for correction or redesign.
- Guaranteed reflection of and adherence to the latest, most up-to-date best practices and lessons learned.
M2C Aerospace’s abilities in systems engineering and integration are a reflection of our experience, our expert personnel, and our unique organization.
Our services in this area of expertise include —
- ATC Knowledge
- Algorithm Development
- Software Development
- Verification and Validation
- Software Documentation
- System Administration
- Prototyping
- Modeling and Simulation
- Operational Concept Evaluation
- Networking, Communications and Cybersecurity
- Navigation Aids and Sensors
- NAS Adaptation Data